Looking for the best new dealflow?

The tool that helps you to analyze new dealflow and getting access to the documentation of your investees.


A new way to discover dealflow

Follow your startups and find your next opportunity. Filter by country, sector, stage, and analyse your favourites.


new startups every month. Stop searching, you have it all here.


filter options to find your next opportunities.

Perks and benefits of discovering startups with us

Get to know the team, the metrics, view the investor deck and everything you need to analyze in one place.

Analyse in one place

Quick overview of a company's most important assets.

Investment thesis

Set up your investment thesis so that you get the most relevant deals.

Weekly Notifications

Every week you can discover the best dealflow on the platform.

Your favourites

Add the projects you are interested in to your favourites, we will take care of notifying you of the latest news.

The best KPIs

We show you the best KPIs for each startup so you don't have to search through all the documentation.

Innovation - Codely X Webflow Template

All on one platform

Access to all startup information in one place (deck, finance, data room, etc.)

Direct contact with the Founder

Contact the CEO

With just one click you can contact with the startup founder and book a one-to-one as soon as possible.

Get access to private documentation

Request access to all documentation so you can evaluate the startup's project, finances and data room.